Story of the Week – Session 3

We are 3 weeks into programming and the story book of transformation from the summer just keeps getting thicker!  We’re excited to share with you all a story about a rancher from this past week named Annie (we’ll call her Annie for confidentiality sake)…

Annie has had a very traumatic childhood, from being molested by her uncle at the age of 8 to living in a group home, she has had a difficult time trusting people and sleeping through the night.  She would often be sprung awake in the night from terrors and flashbacks from some of those traumatic experiences.  The first couple of days at The Ranch, she wasn’t sleeping very well and so her team leader prayed with her throughout the night and prayed for Jesus’ comfort and peace to guard her… on Wednesday night, Annie experienced another flashback but said that she “woke up and saw Jesus with His arms around her.”  She said that He comforted her and told her that he would hold her so that she could sleep through the night.  Annie’s whole countenance and demeanor shifted after that night and she had a newfound peace and joy knowing that Jesus was near to her. 

We hope that you are as encouraged by this story as we are.  Jesus is showing His love towards our youth in such tangible ways and it’s so inspiring to see the kind of faith our ranchers have. 

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” -Matthew 11:28-30

Reminder: If you live in the DSM area and you’re looking for additional ways to help out, consider donating snacks for our students’ lunches.  Drop off bars, fruit snacks, or any other individually wrapped snacks to the Valley Community Center at 4444 Fuller Rd, WDM, IA 50265 now through June 30th.  The drop box is located right inside the main entrance.